The Power of Choice: Expressing Your True Self Through Conscious Decision-Making

Good morning Sister,

Are you ready for a moment of complete honesty?

A moment in which you set aside any patterns of self-criticism laced in shame…

A moment in which you set aside any feelings of judgement and resentment…

A moment in which you invite in compassionate observation for the sole purpose of empowered clarity for choice…

If you are,

and if you’re willing,

I invite you to set aside all distractions

take pen to paper

and ask yourself:

How am I expressing myself through choice?

You see my friend,

we’re so focused on using our words to express to the world

who we want them to see and experience


we both know that for the most part words have become empty

so much blah blah blah:

as what people say

and what people do

don’t always correlate.

If you’re walking in the trance of conformity

you’ll buy into the false narrative of fear

which comes from fear

and induces more fear

simply because it sounds like motivation

creating a sense of hope in times of hopelessness

but if you’ve chosen to break the spell

with Divine Love and Truth

you know

the most powerful expression of Self

starts in your choice of frequency

from which to choose your beliefs

by consciously choosing the focus of your thoughts

allowing these to move your limbs in expression of movement:

from moving your hands to open the highest vibrational book;

to moving your hands to bring fork to mouth with the most nutritional food;

to moving your arms to embrace the most vibrational partners;

to moving your legs to raise you to the highest pinnacles in life.

You express yourself as ordinary through your choices

or you express yourself as extraordinary through your choices

no words required.

It’s in silence that we experience that which is iconic

for the sensational brings forth stillness for depth of feeling.

It moves us,

it expands our minds,

through its presence

no words required.

So I will invite you again,

to bring pen to paper,

and with a willingness to see that which you’ve not been willing to see before,


How am I expressing myself through choice?

The beauty of life

is that no choice is set in stone.

Choice is made in the moment

and at every instance

you have the power to choose the choice calibrated to greatness.

This is how we live our legacies: unleashed, unlimited, unapologetic.

Your smile brightens my world,

Elle xo

PS: Dear Sister, as you reflect on the power of choice, I invite you to take the next empowering step on your journey. Book a consultation with me to explore the experience of clarity and calibration to your personal greatness. Together, we’ll uncover the path to living unapologetically and unleashing your unlimited potential. Embrace this opportunity to connect, evolve, and transform. Your extraordinary life awaits you. Book your consultation today.

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