Embracing Worth: A Conversation of Liberation and Truth

Okay Sweetpea,


Let’s have an honest conversation,
just you and me,
nobody to impress here,
nobody to fool.


It’s a space where the Universe stands on the side,
in honour and respect of your choice
to be honest with yourself.


No consequences
no punishments.


Just you
allowing yourself
to know you.


My question to you today is simply this:


What would life be like for you, if you believed in your absolute worth?


don’t just skim on.


think into this,
it has the potential to change EVERYTHING.

Feel into this,
it has the potential to calibrate you to absolute TRUTH.


Take out your journal and pen and delve into:


What would life be like for you,
if you believed in your absolute worth?


Would you be building the empire you’re focused on creating at this time?
Would you be in the company of those you hold conference with?
Would you be sharing your talent with your current clients?
Would you be sharing your bed with your current lover?
Would you be eating that which is now on your plate?
Would you be taking the action steps on a daily basis that you do now?


And be ruthless,
no paw-pawing around here.


No feelings of guilt
especially when you start getting real with yourself
that some of those in your space right now
are there because you think they need you!


Nobody needs you Honey,
except of course your children when they’re young,
and the only reason we think others need us to stay
is because of the victim archetype rife in our world psyche.


The victim who judges the life experience of another
through a lens handed down to us through social conditioning
and then believing we were born to change the world
born to save the world
born to help those who are victims of circumstance


completely dishonouring the Source within every life form on the planet

as if
Source brings less of Source to one than another.


It’s time for the mini-god-likes to step off their pedestals
and for us to remember
that we are all equal
we are all different
we are all connected
through Source
as Source
and our worth 
is absolute.


It’s time to stop judging those life experiences
which are at the core of evolution
as the sperm of new desires
and to start remembering who we are
what we are
from where
to more intentionally choose our creations.


For every moment is new.
Every day is new.
And the only reason we think it’s ‘set in stone’,
it’s ‘real’
is because we continue to replicate
over and over again
that which we deem to be reality.


And then we’re taught to believe
that our worth is attached
to our creations!


I call buggerwash!


My friend,
what will it take for you to unleash yourself from this conditioning?
What will it take for you to unshackle yourself from mediocrity?
What will it take for you to allow the sweet release and surrender in which you flow into your Source and know
you are worthy
you are eternal
you are magnificence creating magnificently through your human experience?


The moment you choose
liberty is yours
freedom is yours
power is yours
for you will know with absolutely certainty
you are worthy of living your best life,
as is everyone else.


And just because society wants to give you a template of what a best life should look like
does not mean you have to be a pawn to it’s game.


This is your life,
this is your game,
and if you’re not going to start playing it on your preferred terms today,
then when will you?


Seriously – when?


I invite you to live your legacy: unleashed, unlimited, unapologetic.


Your smile is magnetic,
Elle xo


PS:  This is a personal invitation to the woman who seeks a safe and unlimited space for deeper introspection and connection to Self.  Through thought-exploring, rich conversations, I support my clients in easy calibration to the genius residing within.


This is a space of absolute wonder, pleasure and creative delight.  A space in which conversations start at the point of departure of the rest of the world.  A space where we explore your true possibility and absolute joy.

Book your consultation and let’s explore the perfect container for you and your unique desires.


Serious players only thank you.

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