Hush the Thoughts: Embrace Your Unapologetic Authenticity



Hush the thoughts


step aside
your little ego mind
saturated with their words
deeply ingrained in your very existence


and let through
the feelings
the knowings
the inner yearnings

of your Soul.


No longer making the ‘crazy’ ideas wrong
as it might be wrong for the masses
but if it feels
you know
it’s oh so delectably right for you Sister!


You know,

and if you could just give yourself permission
to not make your personal preference wrong
simply because it does not fit the ideology of the status quo


you will find
moment by moment
a remembrance of who you are
and you will liberate yourself from the need to explain
the need to validate
the need to apologise

for the fact that you are unique

the one and only you

and there’s no need for you to sound like someone else
there’s no need for you to show up like someone else
there’s no need for you to live like someone else


for as long as you live in integrity with who you really are
following the whispers of pleasure
and the full body YES
Life will show you a whole new dimension
always existing simultaneously on a different energetic frequency

and the only thing standing between you and the dream life you have created in Universal fabric
is truth and authenticity.


Oh I know
authenticity is a word thrown around all day every day
by those using filters and false backgrounds
those who will write your scripts for you
and then have you memorise them so you can use their words as your identity in the world
as though it’s who you truly are

and then you wonder why I inwardly sigh as I spot your coach/mentor/consultant before I have the opportunity to meet who you are




Yet we both know
the authenticity I’m referring to
is not about how you present yourself to ‘the world’
but living in integrity
with your Self
and your personal view of life
your personal values
your personal preferences
from a space of absolute worth.


In this you finally reclaim yourself
and the game of life changes

as you become
the Gamer
the Creator
and it’s fun!


My dearest woman,
I invite you to remember
just how brief this experience is
from birth-date to death-date
and if your personal preference is struggle and suffering I honour that


if your personal preference is thrive and joy
why would you buy into one more story that keeps you in self-doubt and self-abandonment
why would you believe one more story that keeps you uttering the words of another


when today
this moment
can be the point of full self-ownership
and living life on your own terms?


Nothing left to prove.
Nobody left to impress.


Just YOU living your legacy – unleashed, unlimited, unapologetic.


Your smile brightens my world,
Elle xo


PS:  The Unapologetic Woman Soiree is a safe and sacred space for entrepreneurial mavens to rock their authentic selves!  A space in which brilliant women come together for the freedom of expression found in dance and rich, unfiltered conversation.  It’s an exclusive sisterhood for women who don’t sing Kumbaya and don’t spew rehearsed lines of identity.


This is my personal invitation to women who KNOW they’re here to play by their own rules seeking a space in which they can naturally unleash themselves from decades old patterns of behaviour and beliefs to come as my guest and see if the Soiree is the very space of self-celebration and self-expansion you’re yearning for.


Details at

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