Dare to Imagine: Embracing Your Extraordinary Life

I’m going to ask the question
I’ve not asked you before,
and in this invitation
I ask you to set the intention
to finally see that which you’ve not been willing to see before
to finally know that which you’ve avoided knowing before
for the soul purpose of liberating yourself
from any sense of shrinkage
for the sake of your bruised ego.


An ego which has brought you this far
and this far is probably further than most,
yet you and I both know
you’re only just beginning
to show up
as your true Self
and in this
daring the world to rise to meet you
in the realm of greatness
in the realm of Love.


It’s no small ask
for a woman to finally surrender her curated attire
carefully chosen to fit into a fickle world
which asks us to be magnificent
as long as our magnificence is not challenging to another
as long as our magnificence is not uncomfortable to another
as long as our magnificence is plain and uninspiring.


It’s no small ask
for a woman to finally reveal her greatness


It’s an invitation to accept the big ask
for the sake of living
your best life.


The question I put to you my Sister
is what would your extraordinary life look like
if you gave yourself permission
to be your absolute best self?


The extraordinary life you’ve put aside
settling for just a smidgen less
as you hold a belief
that there will be a price to pay.


A price too dear for your pocket,
a price too painful to contemplate,
and so instead of asking the Universe what the investment will be
you say that you have enough
that you have it good enough
that you never really wanted
all of THAT.


Whatever THAT is for you.


And I lovingly
and respectfully
call bullshit.


For if THAT was not in your heart
it would never have crossed your mind
as the mere idea of something is the first sign of manifestation
of that which life has created as preferred desire for you.


The only reason you would reject your inspired life
is because you’ve grown weary of disappointment
is because you’ve packaged your power and handed it to another
is because you’ve forgotten who you are
and in the process
you’ve abandoned yourSelf
for the sake of feeling a sense of belonging
amongst humans shuffling from one day to the next
in their lost faith
their forgotten Truth of Greatness.


You can continue to defend your ordinary life

understanding as well that extraordinary is personal and unique

I’m not asking you to template yourself to another
or to compare your greatness to another
or to blueprint the extraordinary of another


oh hell no


I’m asking you to unhook from a grid tattooed in the minds of those who relinquished their ability to focus within

and to uncover YOUR extraordinary
by allowing yourself to connect to YOUR greatness
from where to choose to BE all you have become
as spirit evolved through human life


and then

to astound us with your creative endeavours
and pure exhilaration
as you indulge in the exquisiteness of life on Earth.


Sister, the world is constricted with ordinary
and what’s asked of us at this time
is to awaken those on the brink of their reclamation
by living our legacies: unleashed, unlimited and unapologetic.


Your smile radiates through my consciousness,

Elle xo


PS:  Unapologetic Woman, it’s time to make your move.  Your extraordinary life awaits.  Step into an unlimited space by booking a consultation now.  It’s not just an investment in yourself; it’s a declaration of your worth. Let’s make your best self your everyday reality. Click to schedule your transformation today.

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